Growth and Puberty of Children with Congenital Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency

Keren Smuel Rivka Kauli Zvi Laron
Endocrinology & Diabetes Research Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center

IntroductionCongenital isolated GH deficiency (cIGHD) is a rare genetic disease occurring mostly in consanguineous families caused by hGH-I gene deletion or GHRH – receptor mutations.

ObjectiveTo assess neonatal size, linear and head growth and pubertal sequence in a cohort of children with cIGHD.

SubjectsThe charts of 37/41 patients with cIGHD (21m, 16f). 34 patients had hGH-I deletions, GHRH-R mutations.

MethodsAll patients were diagnosed, treated by hGH and followed by us.

ResultsMean birth length of 10/37 neonates was 48.3±2.3 (44-50)cm. Mean birth weight of 32/37 was 3290±480, (m), 3090±480gm (f) (2300-4000gm). Neuromotor development was normal or slightly delayed. Age at referral for boys was 5.7±4.2 (0.12-13.6yrs) and for girls 5.6±3.8 (0.4-13.1yrs). Mean age of initiation of hGH treatment (35μg/kg/d) was 7.5±4.8 (0.8-15yrs) for boys 6.8±4.4 (0.8-16yrs) for girls. The mean changes during hGH treatment were:



   Height SDS Height SDS  Weight SD Weight SD  BMI  BMI

 Head Circumference


Head Circumference


 Sex    M     F     M     F   M    F     M     F
 Before  -3.3  -3.1  -1.8  -1.8  15.8 15.5   -2.6  -2.7
 After  -1.68  -1.61  -0.8  -0.48  20.6  20.4  -1.3  -2.3

Puberty was delayed more in boys, than in girls. Mean age of 1st ejaculation 14 boys was 17.6±2.2 (14-21yrs). Mean age at menarche of 14 girls was 13.8±1.2 (12-16yrs). All reached full sexual development but the penile and testicular size was below normal.

ConclusionEarlier initiation and longer duration of hGH treatment achieved greater height but did not normalize it in all patients.


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