Objective: To determine the effectiveness of paracetamol in closing patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants of our population.
Study Design: Infants with symptomatic PDA who failed or could not get ibuprofen treatment, and who were candidates for surgical ligation, were administered oral paracetamol 15 mgkg–1 every 6h, for up to 7 days and were monitored for clinical, echocardiographic and laboratorial courses.
Result: Seven infants, between 24–27 weeks’ gestation, were included. In four the DA was closed while treated by paracetamol—in one of them the DA reopened, treated with paracetamol again, and closed. In one infant, the DA almost closed, symptoms disappeared, and the DA subsequently closed spontaneously later. Two needed surgical ligation. There were no hematologic or biochemical abnormalities.
Conclusion:Although there is the possibility that PDA may have closed spontaneously, it is proposed that paracetamol could contribute to the closure of PDA in preterm infants