Generation and Detection of Surface Plasmons in a Plasmonic Waveguide by Electrically-Driven Optical Gap Nano-Antenna Transducers

Nicolas Cazier Nanosciences, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne CNRS UMR 6303, Dijon, Bourgogne, France Alexandre Bouhelier Nanosciences, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne CNRS UMR 6303, Dijon, Bourgogne, France

We design and manufacture a new type of interfacing electro-plasmonics component by integrating electrically-contacted tunneling gap antenna on Dielectric Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguide (DLSPPW). The active feed region of the optical antenna is acting as a bilateral transducer. When electrical charges are injected in the tunneling barrier photons are emitted from the feed area by a process identified as inelastic tunneling [1]. Part of the emitted energy is coupled to the surface plasmon modes sustained by the waveguide geometry. The electron-fed optical antenna is thus acting as localized electrical source of surface plasmons. The feed area of the antenna may also perform the reverse transduction whereby a propagating plasmon mode is converted into an electrical current by optical rectification [2]. In this regime of operation, the antenna acts as a detecting rectenna. The integration of electrically activated optical antennas into a plasmonic architecture mitigates the need for complex coupling scheme and proposes a solution for realizing integrated plasmon sources and detectors.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement no 306772.

Figure 1 : Illustration showing the DLSPPW with the two optical gap antennas


[1] "Electrical excitation of surface plasmons", Palash Bharadwaj, Alexandre Bouhelier and Lukas Novotny, Physical Review Letter 2011.

[2] "Nonlinear Photon-Assisted Tunneling Transport in Optical Gap Antennas", Arnaud Stolz, Johann Berthelot, Marie-Maxime Mennemanteuil, Gérard Colas des Francs, Laurent Markey, Vincent Meunier, and Alexandre Bouhelier, Nano Letters 2014 14 (5), 2330-2338.

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