Background: Pulmonary veins’ isolation (PVI) is an established method of treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF). Lately several novel technologies to facilitate AF ablation have emerged. Cryo-ablation with the use of balloon catheter (CBA) is one of them. Recent studies have shown its safety and reasonable efficacy.
Methods: Prospective registry in Rabin Medical Center that included all consecutive patients, undergoing CBA has been analyzed for method safety and efficacy in short term.
Results: 53 patients have undergone cryo-ablation. Characteristics are presented in Table.

All the procedures, except 4 have been performed under conscious sedation. From 207 pulmonary veins, the isolation has been achieved in 202. At follow up of 49 patients (mean 35.6 weeks) 37 patients was in sinus rhythm, 9 having paroxysms of AF, and 3 patients remained in persistent AF. Two patients underwent re-do procedures. Patients’ AF functional class (CCS-SAF) improved significantly from 2 (2,3) (median (Interquartile range 25th, 75th percentiles)) to 0 (0,2; p=0.001).
Conclusion: CBA is a safe method for PVI with good results as seen at short-mid follow up.