Plasmonic antennas concentrate and enhance electromagnetic fields into regions below diffraction limit. Advanced theoretical and experimental techniques are necessary to fully characterize the antenna near fields [1], as in scattering-type Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (s-SNOM), accessing both the near-field amplitude and phase. The cross-polarized detection scheme utilized in the s-SNOM measurements enables to distinguish the signals recorded in S- and P-polarizations [2]. Here we review and modify the common assignment of the S- and P-resolved signals to the in-plane and out-of-plane components of the local near field around the antenna, respectively.
We interpret the s-SNOM signal obtained with use of weakly scattering tips as a scalar product of the real antenna electric near field and a virtual electric field which would be induced in the antenna by a source placed at the position of the detector with the same polarization as the detected light. We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that the s-SNOM near-field signal measured on single and dimer plasmonic antennas can be understood as a result of a mixing of the antenna electric near-field components rather than measurement of the in-plane or out-of -plane electric fields.
The novel signal interpretation of s-SNOM images verifies a quadratic dependence of the signal amplitude on the antenna near-field enhancement resembling the enhancement mechanism in field enhanced spectroscopies [3]. S-SNOM is an ideal tool for local characterization of the antenna near-fields, but as shown here, an appropriate interpretation of the signals is required for a correct understanding of the images.
Fig. 1: Experimental (left) and theoretical (right) near-field maps of a linear dipole antenna. The antenna length is 3.2 µm and the probing wavelength is λ=11.06 µm.
[1] P. Alonso-González et al., Nano Lett. 11, 3922 (2011).
[2] M. Schnell et al., Nano Lett. 10, 3524 (2010).
[3] P. Alonso-González et al., Nature Comm. 3, 684 (2012).
[4] T. Neuman et al., (submitted)