Eigen Oscillations in Clusters Made of Active and Passive Nanoparticles and Their Influence on Radiation of Quantum Emitters

Vasily Klimov Quantum Radiophysics, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia Plasmonics, All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Moscow, Russia Quantum electronics, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russia

By example of dimer made of active and passive nanoparticles we have found all types of eigen oscillations in such a system. These modes includes both modes analogous to Parity- Time (PT) symmetric ones and new type of modes. New modes are related with new type of symmetry which we refer to as Loss Compensation Symmetry (LCS). The field distributions in new modes are highly nonsymmetric in space but nevertheless they provide full loss compensation as in PT symmetric modes (see Fig.1).


Fig.1. Example of spatial distributions for LCS modes. Left panel-highly asymmetric field distribution. Right panel- power dissipated (left particle) and generated (right particle).

Moreover, in contrast to PT symmetric modes, LCS modes can provide full loss compensation in passive component of dimer even for infinitely small pumping of active component of dimer! This property of LCS modes paves the way for developing new types of spasers and nanolasers. Influence of eigen oscillations in clusters made of active and passive nanoparticles on radiation of quantum emitters (dye molecules, quantum dots etc.) will be also discussed.

The research was supported by Advanced Research Foundation (contract number 7/004/2013-2018 on 23.12.2013). The author is also grateful to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants 14-02-00290 and 15-52-52006), Skolkovo Foundation, and Russian Quantum Center for financial support of this work.


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