We experimentally demonstrate strong coupling involving three different types of resonances in plasmonic nanoarrays: surface lattice resonances, localized surface plasmon resonances on single nanoparticles, and excitations of organic dye molecules [1]. Furthermore, we study spatial coherence properties of a plasmonic nanoarray covered with a fluorescent organic molecule film by a double slit experiment [2]. A continuous evolution of coherence from the weak to the strong coupling regime is observed, with the strong coupling features clearly visible in the interference fringes. We outline future studies on strong coupling phenomena with emphasis on identifying purely quantum features [3].
We then propose the concept of quantum plasmonic lattices as a platform to study quantum many-body physics, especially quantum fluids [4]. We consider theoretically the possibility of photon condensation (which is different from polariton Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC)) in plasmonics systems and predict that, even in presence of large losses typical in plasmonics, achieving BEC-type distributions is possible under certain conditions. We discuss how our rate-equation model distinguishes between photon condensation and lasing.
Finally, we present experimental results on the control of magneto-optical response in nanostructured plasmonic systems [5].
[1] A. I. Väkeväinen, R. J. Moerland, H. T. Rekola, A.-P. Eskelinen, J.-P. Martikainen, D.-H. Kim, and P. Törmä, Plasmonic surface lattice resonances at the strong coupling regime, Nano Letters 14, 1721 (2014)
[2] L. Shi, T. K. Hakala, H. T. Rekola, J.-P. Martikainen, R. J. Moerland, and P. Törmä, Spatial coherence properties of organic molecules coupled to plasmonic surface lattice resonances in the weak and strong coupling regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 153002 (2014)
[3] P. Törmä and W. L. Barnes, Strong coupling between surface plasmon polaritons and emitters: a review, Rep. Prog. Phys. in press (2014), http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.1661
[4] J.-P. Martikainen, M.O.J. Heikkinen, and P. Törmä, Condensation phenomena in plasmonics, Phys. Rev. A 90, 053604 (2014)
[5] M. Kataja, T. K. Hakala, A. Julku, M. J. Huttunen, S. van Dijken, and P. Törmä, in review in Nat. Comm. (2014)