Comparison of Febrile Episodes among Children with Neuroblastoma(NB) vs. Other Solid Tumors and Lymphoma (STL): a Prospective Multicenter Study

Yael Shachor-Meyouhas 1 David Greenberg 2 Imad Kassis 1 Diana Averbuch 3 Dan Miron 4 Noga Givon-Lavi 2 Dan Engelhard 3 Itzhak Levy 5
1Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit, Rambam Health Care Campus
2Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit, Soroka University Medical Center, Ben Gurion University of Negev
3Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit, Hadassah Medical Center
4Pediatric Infectious Disease Consultation Service, Emek Medical Cener
5Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center

Background: Aggressive protocols for treatment of NB, stressing the potential increased risk for complications in comparison with other STL.

Aims: To characterize and compare clinical course and bacteriology of febrile episodes between children with NB and STL.

Methods: Data from all febrile episodes in children with STL and NB in 5 Israeli hospitals were prospectively collected during 2008-2009, including: demographic, clinical, laboratory , bacteriology, treatment and outcome. A comparison between NB and STL was conducted.

Results: There were 40 episodes among 23 patients with NB, and 415 episodes among 164 patients with STL. Demographic data were similar except younger age in NB vs. STL (mean 38±28 vs. 110±79 months p=0.000). Patients with NB more frequently had Hickman catheters (30% vs. 15.5% p=0.02), and intensive chemotherapy (97.5% vs. 75.4% p=0.007). No differences were seen in length of neutropenic episodes. Nadir was deeper in STL group (63±108cells/mm³ vs 118±154 p= 0.03). Diagnosis were fever without source 77% in STL , 80% in NB, and CVC associated infection or bacteremia in 9.5% in STL and 7.5 % in NB; Gastrointestinal related infection in 4.3% in STL and 0% in NB, UTI in 3.7% in STL, 7.5% in NB. All were not significant. There were 80 pathogens in the STL group (21% of episodes), 67.5% gram+, 27.5% gram-, 5 % candida. 6 pathogens in NB (15% of episodes) , 83% gram+, 17% gram-. Four patients with STL died.

Conclusions: No significant differences between study groups in terms of type of infections, and bacteriology.

The study was supported -Hipak Grant2007

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