Two decades of extensive research in the field of plasmonics have shown that metallic nanostructures supporting localized surface plasmon (LSP) resonances stand as ideal systems to control light and heat on the nanometer scale. These unique physical properties offer new opportunities in the field of biotechnologies. In this talk we review our recent activities in the development of novel tools for biosciences based on metallic nanostructures.
In particular we present an integrated analytical platform that combines the sensing capability of plasmonic antennas with advanced microfluidic technologies for the label-free multiplexed detection of protein cancer markers in blood. Our platform enables parallel, real-time detection of several markers from a single drop of human serum with a sub-ng/ml sensitivity and is currently tested for early diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Next we discuss how this technology can be extended to on-a-chip chiral sensing capable to detect the handiness of biomolecules. We also discuss other recent developments related to optical cell screening and analysis.